About Us

What is Community Acupuncture ?
Acupuncture has been a community based medicine for most of its long history. In Asia, acupuncture has traditionally been practiced in group rather than individual settings. For acupuncture to be most effective, patients need to receive it frequently and regularly , far more frequently and regularly than most insurance plans will pay for. As acupuncture has moved toward the mainstream, it has been forced into a paradigm of one-on-one treatments and high prices, which has decreased not only patient access but treatment efficacy. To solve these problems, we provide community acupuncture service, which is consist of one-on-one acupuncture treatment with affordable fee schedule.

Choo, Jae Youb
- Graduated from South Baylo Uiniversity
- CA Licensed Acupuncturist
- NCCAOM (National Board) Certified Acupuncturist / Herbalist
- Auricular Acupuncture Specialist
- Moxibustion Therapy Specialist
- Kinesio Taping Therapist
- Microcurrent Therapy Specialist


Noh, Jae Min
- Graduated from South Baylo University
- CA Licensed Acupuncturist
- NCCAOM (National Board) Certified Acupuncturist / Herbalist
- Master Tong's Acupuncture Specialist
- Sam-Keuk Acupuncture Specialist
- Sa-Am Acupuncture Speicalist
- Natural Herbal Medicine Specialist

Lee, Sam Yeul
- Graduated from South Baylo University
- CA Licensed Acupuncturist
- Tong’s Acupuncture Specialist
- Cupping Therapy Specialist
- Gua Sha Therapy Specialist
- Acupressure Specialist
- Tui Na Specialist

Jeon, Sang Woo

- Graduated from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 

- Graduated from South Baylo Uiniversity
- CA Licensed Acupuncturist
- Saam Acupuncture Specialist    d) Cerd Apuncturist / Herbalist
- Auricular Acupuncture Specialist
- Moxibustion Therapy Specialist

- Tui Na Specialist






11752 Garden Grove Blvd. #116
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Tel: 714-534-0603
E-Mail : jacupuncture@hotmail.com Mon–Fri : 7:30 AM to 7: 00 PM
Sat : 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Recommend to make appointment in advance.
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