Tjoan(Huntington Beach)

Due to my misstep while I was walking, my right leg was twisted at the knee area. It started to be very painful on the second day and I hardly could move my leg. 

I went to my doctor of J acupuncture that day seeking for help. After the third treatment, the pain was significantly reduced and I could slowly use the leg to walk again. The treatment was successfully ended after the seventh sessions. Thanks to His very professional expertise. 

I highly recommend getting a treatment at J acupuncture when needed and especially from my doctor.

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11752 Garden Grove Blvd. #116
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Tel: 714-534-0603
E-Mail : jacupuncture@hotmail.com Mon–Fri : 7:30 AM to 7: 00 PM
Sat : 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Recommend to make appointment in advance.
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