
I came to J acupuncture on May 3, 2017 with the following health problem. Insomnia, lower back pain, pre-diabetes(from 110 to 120) and stiffness in my index finger in every morning.

After 3 months acupuncture treatments, my health issues improve a lot. 

I sleep better every night, especially after the treatment.

My lower back pain was gone.

My blood sugar level went down normal range from 9.2 to 10.4

My stiffness gets improved especially using ointment glucosamine. 

I truly want to thank my doctor and will continue to introduce other people to come.

The staffs are professional and caring. Thanks.

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11752 Garden Grove Blvd. #116
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Tel: 714-534-0603
E-Mail : jacupuncture@hotmail.com Mon–Fri : 7:30 AM to 7: 00 PM
Sat : 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Recommend to make appointment in advance.
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